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Littering is bad for our environment.

Hello and today I am going to talk about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and rubbish and why it is bad for bird’s, fish, turtles and more.

Why do we litter? People often litter because they are too lazy to find a bin or take their rubbish home. Littering is bad for the environment because when you litter then all that litter gets blown into drains. Did you know that 80% of plastic from land ends up in the sea!

Every afternoon Room 6 picks up rubbish and over ten days we have picked up about 500 pieces of rubbish, including plastic. We all know how bad plastic is for our environment because it never decomposes or reduces. It has a bad effect on our sea animals if they eat it or if they get tangled up in it, like in fisherman’s netting.   


Our Sailing Day

Hello my name is Spencer and have you ever been sailing before because, luckily I have. Today I will be talking about Room 6 and Room 7 going sailing – so enjoy. Last Thursday, Room 6, Room 7, and the teachers were excited before we went to Panmure Basin for our sailing experience. 


Before the bell went, we barged out the gates and marched to the lagoon and when we walked past the boxing centre, my friend Pyro thought we were going to the boxing centre.


When we got there we had to walk like 10 miles – it felt like HELL!!! I was low on energy, legs hurting and it was painful When we got to the lagoon basin we listened to the teachers named Steph, Blair and Ellie.


Soon Room 7 went on the water first and we learned about some stuff like pulleys, the boom, knots in ropes, engines, sails and more things.


After Room 7 had finished on the water, it was our turn to sail. At first I didn’t have a partner to go with so I went with Steph in the speedboat. It was fun going fast. Later I swapped with Paula and went with Kava. I jumped over the side into the water which was very salty.


I struggled to walk back up the hill to school but I was very happy to walk through the school gates and get to class. It was a great day. 



My movie recommendation.

Good morning and good afternoon people around the world last week at St Patrick school and other schools went to the film festival. My favourite movie was named Happiness Infection because in the film the people are sad but there are three happy Tongan clowns who make the movie change into something very funny.

Our trip to the stone cottage

                                      Stone cottage 


Yesterday St Patrick’s went to the stone cottage across the road. We had to go at 10 o’ clock in the morning and we met three people there whose names are Terry, Patrick and Josephine. I didn’t really know what to expect but it was very interesting when they started to tell the story about the cottage and who lived in it.

 Inside the stone cottage there were four dolls, three baby dolls and one human sized doll. There was one in the kitchen, one in the master bedroom, one in a little crib upstairs and one in the kid’s bedroom. They all looked cute.

The old utilities they used were a pot to pee or poop in and then the women would go outside and dig a hole and pour it in. And when the men drank tea which they loved doing, they had a special cup that would stop their moustaches from getting wet!!

After some time we had a little bit of time to have a class picture so we lined up. We all smiled happily so then we went back to school and at the end everyone was happy.

Characterisation of Fingerbone Bill and Storm Boy

I am aged and wizened and I adore Storm Boy as if he was my own kid. I like to educate people. Instead of Storm Boy my kid, Storm Boy and I are just best friends
I am …………………Fingerbone Bill

I am a young boy with a hideaway dad and a best friend named Fingerbone Bill. I am not petrified of storms and all the fish are my friends. I love being by myself on the beach looking for shells. Some people might think I am lonely or should be at school, but this is the only place I know and want to live in.

I am………..Storm Boy